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Cloning a Location

Replicate inventory information between locations

Kayla avatar
Written by Kayla
Updated this week

Please read carefully before you begin. This process cannot be undone!

What does "cloning" a location mean?

The cloning process means taking the inventory that exists at one location and replicating it for a second location.

For example, let's say I just opened a second store that sells the same products as my original store. Of course, the quantities are different, but the products themselves are the same.

Rather than creating the inventory for Location 2 from scratch or manually enabling each product for the new location, copy the products in Location 1 into Location 2.

From the Edit Product page (under the Locations tab) this would look like enabling the product for whichever location you're cloning to.



Once the cloning process is complete, the inventory entries are independent. So selling a product at Location 1 will not affect the quantity at Location 2, and vice versa!

How to Clone

The process starts on the Locations & Integrations page.

Click on the Location Name for the location you want to fill with existing information ("Cap Hill" in the example below), and you'll see a gear wheel option on the panel:

Click on the "Clone Products from another location" option to get started. You should then see a page like this:

Source location, Taxes, and Quantities:

  • Source location is the Location whose inventory you wish to clone from ("Warehouse Location" in the diagram above).

  • Taxes refer to tax rates you want to be carried over. When bringing over tax rates in the cloning process, all the enabled rates will be applied to all the products. To be clear, at this time, we do not replicate the tax assignment from the source locations.

    If you want the cloned location to have to same tax assignment as the source location, follow these steps:

    1. Clone the location and do not enable/clone any tax rates.

    2. When the clone is complete, go to Tax Rates and enable the tax rate of the source location for the newly cloned location.

    3. Click Assign to products, make no further changes, and hit "Save."

    4. The cloned location now has the same tax assignment as the source location.

  • Quantities are optional and usually not recommended. The default is set for stock counts not to be copied over. This means that all the cloned products will have quantities of zero, and then you can update them when you're ready.

    • If you select "Yes," this location will have the same stock counts as the source location.

Once you choose all your options, hit the Clone Products button. This will clone the inventory information currently in the source location to the location you selected.

Pro Tip

Cloning your Products does not automatically sync them to any sales integrations at the new location. To sync all Products to your POS, follow this guide for exporting to an integration.

Things to Note:

  • Bundles will clone to the new location.

  • If you are cloning and exporting to a new integration, we highly recommend creating the new tax rate before cloning. This will save you time!

  • Products or variants already enabled for both locations will be ignored and left unchanged.

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