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Your Home page

The new Home page is your go-to for quick information, stats, reminders, and communicating with the team.

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated this week

The new Home page is the place to see how the day is going and what changes must be made. See in real-time the activity on your account, sales, inventory changes, and everything in between.

A more interactive experience

With the new Home page, we have different options for interacting with the page, including:

  • (+) The plus sign lets you add a new element to the section.

  • (⋮) The vertical ellipsis gives you more options to control the element, like editing, deleting, viewing a report, or moving.

  • (↺) The reload or refresh symbol will let you know when the last refresh happened and can be clicked for a more recent refresh.

Here's a screenshot of what each action does:

Bulletin Board

Get updates from us on matters that need your attention. And leave notes for yourself or the team!

Create a new note by clicking the green plus sign (+) next to "Bulletin Board." Then, add your message.

Set an expiration date (optional).

If you have the "Share Bulletins" permission, you can choose whether you want the note to be public (so your company can read it) or private (just for you). All your notes will be private without the correct permission, but you'll see other public notes.

Editing a Note

Edit or adjust a note by clicking the vertical ellipsis (⋮).

Depending on the Note and your permission, those options can differ from no ellipsis (because it's a critical message from us) or many options, as shown below:

At a Glance

See key metrics immediately on your Home page by choosing the tiles and time range (if applicable) you want to see.

Adding a new tile by clicking the green plus sign (+) next to "At a Glance." Then, choose the tile you want to add and your desired time range.

Here are the tiles to choose from:

Bulk Uploads

Bulk Uploads with errors

See which Bulk Uploads have errors and which updates were not uploaded to Thrive. Option to correct them and resubmit on the Bulk Uploads page.


Deleted Variants

The number of variants deleted within a time range.

New Product Variants

The number of variants created within a time range.


Variants not syncing to Meta

Variants not syncing to Meta won't show up on your Facebook or Instagram Shop. Correct these critical errors in Thrive and ensure everything is syncing as it should.


Assembly Runs

The number of Assemblies run within a time range.

Cost of expiring units

The total cost of expiring products using lot cost.

Expiring Lots

Number of expired lots within a time range.

Expiring Units

The total number of expired products within a time range.

Products with Low Inventory

Any products below the Alert levels (user-specific) or Reorder Points set up in Thrive.

Profits lost from expiring units

Profit lost from expiring products within a time range.

Stocktakes that need approval

Stocktakes awaiting approval by a user with the Manage Stocktakes permission.

Stocktakes that need modification

The person approving the Stocktakes requested a modification. Now we're waiting for the count to be resubmitted by the counter.


Draft Invoices

Number of invoices in a "draft" state.

Invoices Paid

Number of invoices paid within a time range.

Uncollectable Invoices

Uncollectable invoices refer to those already fulfilled but no payment has been collected.

Purchase Orders

IT Fees

The total fee amount ($) across all internal transfers within a time range.

IT Freight

The total freight amount ($) across all internal transfers within a time range.

Overdue POs

The number of POs that are in an "overdue" state.

PO Fees

The total fee amount ($) across all purchase orders within a time range.

PO Freight

The total freight amount ($) across all purchase orders within a time range.

POs Completed

The number of POs that entered a completed state within a time range.

Partially-received POs

The number of POs that are in a "partially-received" state.


Discounts Given

The total amount of discounts given within a time range.

Gross Profit

Gross Sales - Gross COGS (within a time range)

Gross Profit Margin

(Gross Profit ÷ Gross Sales) x 100

Gross Shipping Fees

Gross shipping fees ($) within a time range.

Net Sales

Gross Sales - Refunds

Net Sales Tax Collected

Gross Sales Tax - Refunded Sales Tax

Products sold

Number of units sold

Refunded Tax

Refunded tax within a time range.

Refunds Given

The total amount of refunds given within a time range.

Tips Collected

Tips collected within a time range.

Transaction Fees

Transaction fees accumulated within a time range.

Transaction count

Number of Orders

- NOTE: Tiles noted above in italics signify a time range must be selected.

Editing a Tile

Edit or adjust any tile by clicking the vertical ellipsis (⋮).


Create and edit charts with the information you find valuable.

Create a new chart by clicking the green plus sign (+) next to "Metrics." Then, choose the chart you want to add, how you want the data grouped, and your desired time range. Option to add a custom name to the chart as well.

Edit any chart by clicking the vertical ellipsis (⋮).

The current charts include:

  • Cost of Goods Sold

  • Discounts Given

  • Gross Profit

  • Gross Sales Revenue

  • Net Profit

  • Net Sales Revenue

  • Other Fees Collected

  • Refunds Given

  • Sales Tax Collected

  • Shipping Fees Collected

  • Tips Collected

  • Top Categories by Profit

  • Top Categories by Quantity Sold

  • Top Categories by Revenue

  • Top Vendors by Profit

  • Top Vendors by Quantity Sold

  • Top Vendors by Revenue

  • Transaction Count

Each chart has options for how it is broken down and grouped and what date range it's set for:

NOTE: If you have more than five locations or integrations, check all the boxes by scrolling through or showing more rows.wing more rows, as shown here:

Recent Activity

Look here for the most recent activity on your account. You can see what actions are being completed.

For more insight, click "See more" to go straight to the Audit Log, where you can see even more events.

Missing the old home page?

Almost all of the insights from the old Home page, are available on the new home experience.

For a closer look, click below:

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