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Inventory Report

A current or historic snapshot of inventory and total value.

Joe Barlow avatar
Written by Joe Barlow
Updated over a week ago

The Inventory Report shows a snapshot of your inventory at any given time. As long as Thrive was installed when the report is being run, we can tell you exactly what you had on the shelves.

The Inventory Report will show your total value (cost) of inventory. Lot cost is used (instead of default cost) to ensure the totals are as accurate as possible.

To start, enter the time you want the report generated or select from one of the presets.

The inventory report generates for a specific time, vs. a Sales Report where you might want to see a range (24 hours, a week, a month, or a year). To see how your inventory has changed over a period of time, we recommend generating an Inventory Change Report.

Once the Inventory Report has been generated, you'll see a screen that looks similar to this:

Report Summary

Use the Filter button or the Search field to narrow your scope. If using those options, remember that it will affect the numbers in the summary boxes.

The Summary Boxes are the multi-colored boxes at the top of the report that provide a synopsis of certain aspects of the report. Included in this report are:

  • Total Value

  • Potential Revenue

  • Potential Profit

  • Quantity in Stock = Sum of In-Stock column

The "Display" button allows you to customize the report's columns. The available columns include:

  • Product

  • Variant

  • Location

  • Categories*

  • Vendors*

  • SKU*

  • Barcode*

  • In Stock = Units in stock at the specified time

  • List Price = Current retail price

  • Cost/Unit = Range of costs applied to the units in stock

  • Total Value = Total cost of the units in stock

  • Potential Revenue = In Stock x List Price

  • Potential Profit = The sum of (Price - Cost) for each unit in stock with a cost

  • Profit Margin % = (Price - Cost) ÷ Price, converted to a percentage of the current lot

  • Markup* = (Price - Cost) ÷ Cost, converted to a percentage of the current lot

*Click the "Display" button to enable these options

Products received at varying costs are listed as a range (in the cost column). This is because we calculate cost on the inventory report based on lot cost (not default cost). To spot-check a product to ensure the right cost is calculated, you can do that in the lot history.

Notable Exclusions

There are a few items excluded from the Inventory Report, including:

  • Products or services with inventory tracking disabled.

  • Bundles, since they do not add to inventory value, are comprised of other products (included in the report already).

    • NOTE: If you plan to reverse your bundle/component setups, be aware that you will start with a new inventory set and inventory history for those products. We encourage you to download any relevant reports before making the switch.

  • Products with null quantity values. This means there is no value, so it's a blank/empty cell, which is different from zero.

    • A quantity of zero means there is some sort of inventory history, so it will still appear on this report.

Downloading your Report

To save your report (or schedule it to run for you), click the "Actions" button. Options to "Schedule this Report" or download as a PDF or CSV will be available. For more information on saving and scheduling reports, click here:

Things to Note:

  • Products with negative quantities in stock do not count against inventory value.

  • The Total Value widget is calculated using product lot costs.

  • At the bottom left corner of the page, you'll be able to navigate through pages using bottom the arrow buttons.

  • Show more products per page by selecting a new option on the bottom-right of the page.

  • Click on the column heading to re-sort the entire report.

  • Column totals at the bottom of a report are calculated by summing up column values. This is important because it may differ from the Summary Box value for the same column by a small amount. If they differ, the summary value is more precise because it does all the math and then rounds at the end instead of the column total, which adds up already-rounded values.

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