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Syncing: Importing and Exporting

How to move inventory information from one system to another

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over 11 months ago

Imports and Exports are time-consuming and recommended to be done after hours. Depending on the number of SKUs involved, the process could take several hours to complete.

Importing into Thrive

On an import, we are using the catalog in the integration to overwrite what is inside of Thrive. The flow of information is as such:

Integration ===> Thrive

IMPORTANT: Imports are hard overwrites of all information in Thrive with the information inside your integration. An Import will use the info in your integration to overwrite Thrive descriptions, images, notes, costs, prices, and everything!

  1. Go to the Locations & Integrations page in Settings.

  2. Find the integration you wish to import from and click on the integration name.

  3. Click on the gear wheel in the top right corner and select the "Import from integration" option. Then click 'Import from an integration to all mapped locations'

Once you select 'Import,' you will see this prompt:

Most times, both answers will be yes.

If there is any reason you do not want the quantities synced, press 'No' on the second question

Once you hit 'Finish', you will see a final warning before being able to click 'Yes, run the import'

Click 'Yes, run the import' to begin importing items!

The import can take several hours depending on internet speed and amount of SKUs.

The import process is not selective (meaning it overwrites all information) and cannot be undone, so be sure that your POS provider has the correct information before importing!

How to EXPORT information from Thrive to your integration:

On an export, we are using the catalog in Thrive to overwrite what is inside of your integration (aka POS). The flow of information is:

Thrive ===> Integration

This is done in the 'Locations & Integrations' in the 'Settings' section of Thrive.

  1. Once in Locations & Integrations, click the integration into which you would like to export inventory

  2. In the window that pops up after clicking the integration, click the gearwheel in the middle, in 'Mapped Locations'

  3. Click Export inventory to integration

  • When syncing is on, any changes in the inventory catalog and quantities in Thrive will automatically push out to your point of sale system.

  • This is an ongoing process until those options are disabled. This means that once you leave them on, you should switch to making all changes, updates, and additions to inventory in Thrive going forward.

Manually sync an individual product to an integration

You can force a Product to export from the Thrive interface if you need to see it at your point of sale right away.

The flow of information is:

Thrive ===> Integration

  1. This is done from the Products page.

  2. Click on the Product Name to open the Edit Product panel. 

  3. Click on the gear wheel at the top of the panel and click on Sync product to all integrations:

  • This will export the Product from Thrive to your point of sale immediately.

  • If you have multiple products that need to be pushed out, we recommend following the instructions in our Products not Syncing article.

  • As a last resort, You can force an export of all products at once. Learn more

  • This should not be a regular procedure. Saving the changes should push them out to the point of sale. Manually syncing is a step you can take to troubleshoot a Product that may be having issues. 

  • Please contact Customer Care if you have any issues with Products not pushing out to the point of sale after trying a manual sync.

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