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Bulk Deals

Using Bundles or Modifiers to set pricing for bulk sales.

Valerie avatar
Written by Valerie
Updated over 9 months ago

Bundles or Modifiers can be used to set bulk pricing, for example, Buy One-Get One (BOGO) or “2 for $10” type deals) for your customers.

For Bundles:

  • From your existing product, simply click “Add variant”

  • Use the variant name to specify the deal, like “2 for $10”

  • Use the Price field to set what your customers will pay (e.g. $10)

  • Convert the variant to a Bundle

  • Under the component section, choose the product.

  • Set the quantity to how many products are included in the deal (e.g. 2)

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For Modifiers (For Clover and Square only):

  • Make sure the main product exists in Thrive. If it doesn't, create it in Thrive now.

  • Head to the Modifiers page in Thrive and click "Create Modifier group."

  • Create the new Modifier. Used the Price field to set the additional price you want the customers to pay for the deal. (NOTE: If it's Buy One, Get One, the price of the Modifer will be zero).

  • Assign the variants and quantity to be pulled when the Modifier is selected. Don't forget to click "Add" before moving to the next page.

  • Set a Min and a Max, and apply the Modifiers to the products you want the Modifier to show up for.

  • Choose the integrations you want the Modifier to show up on!

That’s all! Just be sure to select the deal directly at the register. Scanning a product multiple times will not apply a bulk discount automatically.

For more information on setting up a "Buy More, Save More" deal using Modifiers, be sure to check out this article.

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