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How Thrive Syncs with Shopify

Details on how Thrive syncs with various product fields in Shopify

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

Thrive and Shopify both have many product fields, and there are some differences between the two platforms. Thrive won't sync all fields from Shopify since Shopify restricts what we can sync to.

Here are the product fields Thrive syncs when you first connect your Shopify account (please note if the product field is not listed, we will not sync it):

Field Mapping



Product Title

Product Name




Product Description









Cost per Item

Default Cost

Product Images

Product Images

URL handle

Product handle

Product type

Product type

Published scope

Published scope


Product status



Product category

Product category

Inventory policy

Inventory policy

Compare At Price

Compare At Price

Page title

Search engine title

Meta description

Search engine description

  • *Vendors from Shopify will sync to the Brand/Vendor field in Thrive. This is different than Vendor information syncing to our Vendor management feature, which is more complex and aids in re-ordering.

  • Italicized fields indicate they are fields specific to Shopify.

When you've successfully connected your catalog from Shopify to Thrive, Thrive will sync updates to product fields to your Shopify account. More information on how Thrive syncs can be found here.

Some notable fields that are editable in Thrive but will not sync to Shopify include:

Shopify-specific fields

The Shopify-specific fields available include:

Shopify field

Thrive field


URL handle

Product handle

The unique name is automatically given to a product to generate its URL for your online store. Edit the handle to create a more user-friendly URL.

Product type

Product type

A custom label that can help you further define the category of a product.

Published scope

Published scope

Choose between global (online and point of sale) or web (online only). These determine if the product will be visible only in the e-commerce channel or everywhere.


Product status

Choose between Active, Archive, and Draft. These determine if a product is ready for site visitors to view in your online store.



This can be the vendor, physical store, online store, manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler. The vendor is usually displayed as the brand on Shopify and would be equivalent to the 'brand' field in Thrive.

*Vendor information input here will not sync to the Vendors feature in Thrive.

Product category

Product category

Used to manage products and determine the US tax rate collected at checkout (if using Shopify Tax). This field will only use values from Shopify's taxonomy list.

When editing the field for an individual product, start typing the category, and the options will appear automatically.

Page title

Search engine title

Found under "Search engine listing" on Shopify.

Search engines compare the title tag with your page content to determine whether the page title matches what the page is about. The title is shown as a clickable link in search engine results.

Meta description

Search engine description

Found under "Search engine listing" on Shopify.

A meta description is a brief text shown in search engine results after the title tag.

Inventory policy

Inventory policy

Variant-level - Used to determine if a variant should continue to be sold when out of stock. Choose between Deny or Continue (to sell even when you're out of stock).

Compare At Price

Compare At Price

Used to display the original price for a product that is on sale.

  • Italicized fields indicate the field is variant-level (as opposed to product-level).

Fields that are relevant exclusively to Shopify users can be enabled/disabled under the Integrations tab, as shown here:

Or from the Settings page, under Feature Settings>Catalog>Integrations as shown here:

Importing Shopify-specific fields

If you recently enabled a new field, be sure to click the "Import Shopify Fields" button to make sure what's in Shopify is reflected in Thrive, as shown here:

Importing this way will only bring over information from those enabled fields. If you're just using these fields, we recommend importing to ensure syncing is enabled.

Editing Shopify-specific fields


Edit individual products by clicking on the desired product on the Products page. From there, click the Integrations tab to find the editable enabled fields.

In Bulk

Once fields are enabled from the Settings page, under Feature Settings>Catalog>Integrations, click "Bulk Upload Shopify Fields" as shown here:

Next, you'll have the option to edit products OR variants. Depending on the fields you want to edit, you might need to generate a bulk upload spreadsheet for each.

  • NOTE: Inventory policy and Compare At Price are the only two fields that are variant level at this time.

Enabled integration-specific fields can be edited via a spreadsheet on the Bulk Uploads page.


For details on the specific shipping fields we sync to Shopify, check out this article:

If you have questions about a particular field syncing, please refer to this guide first, as it will have the most up-to-date information.

Turning off Description or Image Syncing

From Settings, under Locations & Integrations, your connected Shopify account has additional sync settings you can manipulate.

Click on the integration name to edit those toggles (and more), as shown here:

Disabling those toggles will affect any other Shopify channels you have mapped in Thrive under that Shopify account.

Things to Note:

  • By default, synced products enabled for at least one location for Shopify will show up in your online store, even if your e-commerce location isn't enabled in Thrive.

    • We have introduced the "Publish Scope" option to give you more control over this field. You can read more about it here.

  • Shopify requires a Vendor for each product. That means if you are syncing this field in Thrive and remove the text from that field, Shopify will use your Store Name (from Shopify) as the Vendor name.

  • Tags/Labels generated from the SKU field will not scan on the Shopify POS. Instead, use the Barcode field, or search the product by SKU and add it to the cart.

  • Digital Products will not be imported. These products should be created and edited exclusively in Shopify.

  • For details on specific shipping fields we sync to Shopify, click here.

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