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Definitions of common terms within Thrive.

Joe Barlow avatar
Written by Joe Barlow
Updated over 4 months ago

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This option in the "Actions" button on the Products & Variants page enables you to add quantities to the existing total. 

For instance, if the product has a quantity of 5 and you select "Add" and enter 10, the total will be saved as 15. Learn more


An inventory Alert is a set of conditions to define what 'Low Inventory Quantity' means for a particular product or set of products. Alerts can be set up in the alerts section of Thrive.


The cost required to put together a bundle, such as prep/cook time, or the cost of non-component materials and labor required to assemble or create the final bundle. 

BARCODE (Thrive field):

Usually, this field is filled with the number on the visual barcode of the product, or with a custom number used to identify a product. This field is optional.

The same barcode can be applied to multiple products. As opposed to a SKU number, which can only be used by one product at a time. SKU vs Barcode

  • For Clover users, the barcode field in Thrive will integrate to the product code field in Clover. 

  • For Square users, the Barcode field does not correspond to any field in Square. Use the SKU field instead if that number needs to appear in Square.

BARCODE (Printing & Scanning):

A visual Barcode is a string of vertical lines that has a number embedded into it. Barcodes can be printed from the "Actions" button on the Products & Variants page. Learn more

To assign or scan Barcodes for other purposes, you can use an external barcode scanner.


Our free 'Basic' plan still gives you access to our Sales Reports, Dashboard Insights, Inventory Reports, Catalog Management, and Profit Margin Reports but does not include Inventory Alerts, Dead Inventory Reports, Kits/Bundles, Vendor Management, or Purchase Orders.  What's Included in the Free Basic Plan?

You can also view our current pricing and plan information on our Pricing Page.


See also: Kits/Bundles

A Bundle is a new product in your inventory based on existing products. Bundles can be used to track ingredients of recipes, commissions, wholesale pricing, or any number of things.

For instance, if Bread, Ham, and Cheese are listed in the Products & Variants tab, a Bundle can be created called Ham Sandwich. The bundle will be displayed at the point of sale as a separate entry apart from the ingredients.

When the bundle is selected, the corresponding components will also be deducted in the quantities designated for that bundle. Learn more


All inventory information except quantities and costs.


COGS (Cost Of Goods Sold) is the cost per product. 

So, for instance, a merchant selling a bottle of Coca-Cola may sell it for $1.25, but it only cost that merchant $0.65 to buy the bottle. The merchant's COGS would be $0.65. Learn more

See also: Costs / Cost Per Product


A Bundle component is defined as the inventory product(s) that will go into that Bundle. For instance, the components of a ' Ham Sandwich' Bundle would likely include Bread, Ham, and Cheese. Learn more


This is the merchant's cost per product. So, for instance, a merchant selling a bottle of Coca-Cola may sell it for $1.25, but each bottle only cost that merchant $0.65 to buy the bottle. The merchant's cost would be $0.65. Learn more


The Dead Inventory Report is a list of all inventory products that have not sold for more than ___ number of days. Learn more


This is the cost that Thrive pre-fills when adding quantities or when adding a product to a Purchase Order.

Changing the Default Cost will not update any Lot Costs. Learn More


This option enables you to replace the existing quantity of a product. 

For instance, if the product has a quantity of 5 and you select 'Edit' and enter 10, the total will be saved as 10. You can also set the Default Cost and Price for your Products with the Edit button. Learn more


The process of pushing products out from Thrive and into your connected integration. More details can be found below:


This is the pre-tax amount of your intake minus your cost. So to put it mathematically:

Total Revenue - Total Cost = Gross Profit


The process of pulling in products from your sales integration and into Thrive. More details can be found below:


An integration refers to an external account connected to Thrive. 

Most often, this is a Merchant ID assigned by your point of sale provider linked to a specific pool of inventory. But, it can be an e-commerce integration, accounting integration, or social media integration. 

One business may have multiple integrations connected to Thrive. One Thrive location can also have more than one integration connected (this means they all share the same inventory). Learn more


Transfers of inventory products between your Thrive locations. Internal Transfers can be created in the Purchase Orders section of Thrive. Learn more


The inventory report is a snapshot of inventory for a given minute in time. Inventory reports can be customized by date and time to provide historical information. Learn more


See also: Bundles

A Kit or Bundle is a group of inventory products being sold as one new product. For instance, you could build a 'Ham Sandwich' bundle containing Bread, Ham, Cheese, etc. The bundle will be displayed in the point of sale as a separate product apart from the ingredients. 

When the bundle is selected, the corresponding ingredients will also be deducted in the quantities set on the Bundles page. Learn more


An independent pool of inventory. A business can have more than one 'Location' in Thrive. One location's sales or updates to inventory do not affect another's. Learn more


A "Lot" is a group of units that are received for an article of inventory. 

For instance, if I add a quantity of 12 units to one of my products, I have added a Lot that contains 12 units to that particular product.

Each Lot has its own unit cost to help you track changing costs over time, as you may pay three different prices to your Vendor for the same product on three separate orders.

Separating each Lot also gives you far more accurate reporting and profitability info since each Lot's cost is separated. Learn more


This refers to a quantity that is not a whole number, like .075 or 1.5.

Partial quantities are supported by Thrive and can be used to create Bundles. Learn more


This is the payment processor being used to make sales in Thrive. It can refer to the provider or to the hardware itself. 

Generally, the point of sale refers to the physical register itself where payments are being accepted.


The number of sales being processed by the point of sale. One transaction can include any number of products. 

An article of inventory. One Product can have multiple Variants.


These are forms that are filled out to keep track of, and receive incoming inventory. 

Usually, a Purchase Order form itself is sent to the vendor to initiate the order. Receiving a Purchase Order in Thrive will update the quantities of the products listed on the Purchase Order. Learn more


A reconciliation worksheet is a form that can be printed out to enable easy stock takes (physical counting of inventory). Employees can print out a reconciliation worksheet, then go through the store and fill in the correct quantities. This makes it much easier to enter updates to inventory. Learn more


A Product Sales Report provides the sales totals for a given date range, also broken down by product.


SKU stands for 'Shop Keeping Unit'. This can be a substitute for the word 'Product' or it can be in specific reference to the SKU number.


Most often, this is the "Barcode Number" of a product. 

However, the SKU number can be any unique number used to identify a specific Product and Variation. In Thrive, a SKU number must be unique.


Syncing is the process of pushing information from one system to another. Syncing in Thrive only goes one way: Out from Thrive to the point-of-sale.

Information can be synced to Thrive from the point-of-sale manually by using the Import function in the settings section of Thrive. Learn more


Identifiers added to Vendor information to make searching through Vendor information easier.

*Shopify "Tags" are handled as Categories in Thrive.


A Variant is a version of a product. A single product can have multiple different Variants. For instance, the product Umbrella can have several different Variants for instance: Umbrella (Blue), Umbrella (Red), Umbrella (Black), etc.


A Vendor (or supplier, distributor) is a person who supplies the Thrive merchant with their inventory. 

This could be a wholesaler or manufacturer. Vendor information can be stored in the Vendors tab in Thrive.


A Warehouse location is defined as a location with no integration. Warehouse locations cannot process sales.

A Warehouse location will allow you to store separate quantities of those products in the warehouse.

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